College Policies and Procedures​​


Active Participation Policy

Beta College of Business and Technology promotes consistent and timely attendance for academic development and a better learning experience. Beta College follows the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MCU) rules, which require accurate attendance records. Meeting these conditions is crucial to overall financial aid eligibility and upholding Ministry standards. 

Beta College of Business and Technology has established active engagement and classroom attendance criteria to meet OSAP and MCU Performance Requirements. These criteria not only ensure your eligibility for financial assistance but also measure your academic performance and participation, which are crucial for your personal and professional growth.

The criteria for active participation at Beta College include the following:

  1. Regular Attendance: Students must attend all scheduled classes and complete the required program hours.
  2. Timely Arrival and Departure: Students should arrive punctually for their scheduled classes and remain for the entire session. Consistent tardiness or early departures without prior approval may deter a student’s active participation status.
  3. Prior Approval for Absences: Any anticipated absences from assigned program hours should be communicated and approved in advance.
  4. Performance and Academic Progress: Active participation is closely linked to academic performance. Students are expected to engage actively in classroom activities, complete assignments, and demonstrate academic progress.
At Beta College, we stress the importance of your active participation and attendance. These are not just rules to follow, but your personal commitment to your education and your future. By maintaining regular attendance and actively engaging in your learning experiences, you are taking control of your academic success and financial aid eligibility.

This regulation governs all students studying in Beta College’s academic programs and courses. It includes both in-person and online learning settings.

Active Participation: Active participation implies learners’ voluntary and meaningful involvement in various course events, including class discussions, collaborative tasks, presentations, and practical tasks. It entails students actively participating in the learning process, displaying their comprehension of the subject matter, and readiness to interact with their classmates and instructors.

Encouragement of Active Participation

A. Faculty members at Beta College will actively encourage and create opportunities for student engagement during class sessions.
B. Instructors will implement interactive learning activities that foster critical thinking, collaboration, and the application of knowledge.

Grading and Assessment

A. Active participation is considered part of specific courses’ overall grading and assessment process. The course syllabus clearly outlines specific details about how active participation contributes to the final grade.
B. The assessment of active participation will be based on qualitative aspects, including Students’ responsiveness, participation in class discussion, and the quality of student contributions, rather than merely the quantity of involvement.

Inclusivity and Respect

A. Beta College values diversity and inclusivity. Students should follow the college Code of conduct policy and will be encouraged to share their perspectives, respecting differing opinions and experiences.
B. Instructors will foster a supportive and respectful learning environment where all students feel comfortable contributing to class discussions.

Flexible Participation Opportunities

A. Instructors will consider various participation formats to accommodate learning preferences and styles.
B. Online students will be provided with equivalent opportunities for active participation, such as through discussion forums, virtual group activities, or online polls.

Documentation and Communication

A. Faculty members will maintain records of students’ active participation for assessment purposes, ensuring transparency and fairness in grading
B. The Policy and specific expectations and guidelines will be communicated to all students at the beginning of each program during orientation.

Beta College of Business and Technology aims to foster an interactive and enriching learning environment, encourage students to participate actively in their education, and promote academic excellence. (Also refer to the attendance and punctuality policy.)

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