Ambitious immigration plan for 2022 – 2024 announced by Canada


Canada is rated one of the most welcoming and tolerant countries in the world, all because of the outstanding immigration system. It is a country that is diverse, multicultural, prosperous and hospitable to those in need. Despite several global threats such as pandemic and Ukraine crisis, Canada is still holding it’s immigration friendly stature.

The Overview:

The Canadian government has announced the Immigration Levels Plan 2022-2024. Immigrants will be welcomed at a percentage of around 1% of Canada’s population per year, according to the policy.

Canada has set record-breaking new targets for immigration, planning to welcome 431,645 permanent residents by 2022, which will be increased to 447,055 and 451,000 permanent residents in 2023 and 2024 respectively.  This increase in the number in Canada’s immigration system will help to support the country’s economic and overall growth.

The Objective:

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) issues a new Immigration Levels Plan every year to manage its operations. This year, the Canadian government has introduced the new Immigration Levels Plan 2022-2024, which aims to increase temporary and permanent residence opportunities across the country.

As per the government, the plan lays forth an aspirational and realistic roadmap for increasing immigration in Canada to help the country rebuild economically post the pandemic. The key objective of the Canadian immigration system is to help strengthen the economy, reunite families and refugees.


Sean Fraser, Immigration Minister, stated— The new ambitious immigration plan is a perfect balance of the ever-growing demands of the country, along with the international obligations. The plan is focused on inviting skilled workers who are passionate about contributing to the economy of Canada and dealing with the labour shortage. And recognizing the significance of family reunion, and aiding the world’s most susceptible populations via refugee resettlement. The priority remains on improving economic growth by increasing immigrant retention in communities where significant economic, labour, and demographic issues exist. This initiative will aid in making Canada a popular destination among immigrants.

In this post, we will have a look at the Immigration Levels Plan and reviewing immigration pathways at the provincial and territorial level.

The Purpose behind Welcoming More Immigrants

The new immigration targets are based on two key considerations:

  • to invite the brightest students and workers to join the Canadian economy and labour market. 
  • to assist refugees (especially those from Afghanistan) in establishing a new, better home in Canada.

The growth of the Canadian economy significantly depends on population and workforce growth. Canada has depended heavily on immigrants to assist fuel economic growth all through history.

The importance of immigration to Canada’s economic prosperity is growing. Before the pandemic, Canada’s population was ageing, and its birth rate was one of the lowest in the G7. These factors are predicted to reduce the number of workers willing to benefit the economy over time. The economic constraints posed by an ageing population and a declining birth rate can be addressed by welcoming immigrants.

How this will help International Students?

It’s no doubt that Canada is the best-known destination for international students due to its welcoming immigration rules, with many international students choosing Canada over competitors like the United States and the United Kingdom.

According to the latest Immigration Levels Plan, Canada is committed to increasing its population by bringing in skilled immigrants, and international students can fall into a variety of permanent residence categories. This means that international students in Canada will have greater possibilities to stay after completing their graduation from Canadian universities and colleges.

Many students wish settling to Canada permanently, and thankfully there are many options available for international students.

There are many permanent residency immigration programs in Canada benefitting applications having a connection to Canada. This connection can be either Canadian educational qualification, Canadian work experience or relation to a specific province. If international students want to stay in Canada permanently, they can take advantage of these benefits. Please keep in mind that international students studying in Canada must adhere to the terms of their study permit during their stay. Violating any terms of their study visa or permit, their future immigration applications may be affected.

Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) can be applied by international students as a temporary work visa in Canada. For permanent residence, one has to apply for Canadian immigration.  Express Entry route is one pathway, however, the other may be eligible under the PNP- Provincial Nominee Program.

Immigration Programs for International Students

International students can apply for a variety of immigration programs. While each program is different and has criteria beyond finishing Canadian studies, the following programs may give international student graduates faster pathways to permanent residency in Canada-

  • Canadian Experience Class
  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Provincial Nominee Programs
  • Quebec Immigration Options
  • Post-Graduation Work Permits

Please keep in mind that most of the programs are conducted through Canada’s Express Entry system, which is the federal pathway for processing permanent residence applications.

Immigrant Categories

Here are the four categories of immigrants—


  • Federal Highly Skilled
  • Federal Economic Public Policies
  • Federal Business
  • Economic Pilots and Caregivers
  • Atlantic Immigration Program
  • Provincial Nominee Program
  • Quebec Skilled Workers and Business


  • Spouses, Partners, and Children
  • Parents and Grandparents
  • Provincial Nominee Program
  • Quebec Skilled Workers and Business

Refugees and Protected Person

  • Protected Person in Canada and Dependents Abroad
  • Resettled Refugees – Government-Assisted
  • Resettled Refugees – Privately Sponsored
  • Resettled Refugees – Blended Visa Office-Referred

Humanitarian and Other

  • Humanitarian & Compassionate and Other

Coming to Canada as an international student is a fair first move if you wish to move to Canada permanently. We can assist you to keep things simple, from selecting a college to applying for a study visa. Get in touch with us today!

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